Tuesday, January 23, 2007


That's such a crazy word in English. One second I love cheeseburgers, the next second I love my mom. And then we throw in the old "I love God." Just think about it. I love Taco Bell, but I also love God. Is that normal? It is for me I guess. I say stuff like that all the time. But maybe I triple love God and only single love my favorite shirt. Anyway, I guess the point is, what is love? I was reading the other night and I learned that God is love. He is the epitomy of the truest form of love. I also learned that we should love each other, and not just our friends, in fact. Hmmm...so, I should love my enemy, too, and even pray for them. I'll admit, I didn't pray for Sadaam, and i don't think ever prayed for osama. i guess they're supposed to be our enemies right? well, most people in the world would then have to pray for George W. because he hasn't made many friends lately either. but that's not the point. the point is, God showed us love by giving up everything He had for us. Paul from the Bible says to treat people as more important than ourselves, to prefer on another. could i even say to love others more than myself? so, would God ask me to do something He hasn't done. does He expect more from me than He does from Himself. I don't think so. so what does that mean? could God actually prefer us more than Himself? could He even love us more than Himself? I don't know for sure, but i do know the love He does have for us is huge, bigger than we could ever imagine. I don't know why He loves me like that, but it makes me smile and even laugh sometimes - and yes, even weep. i do know, though, that i want to love like that. supposedly my life isn't my own anymore. a call to follow jesus is a call to die. so i guess i died a few years back.
i'm not in africa yet, but i'm already anticipating the love God will show people through this human called kyle. i'm even excited about the love He will show kyle through other people. remember, we find Jesus in the "least of these." but the hard thing is, will i show love when i finish typing this to the lady at the front desk who yells at me for something because she's having a bad day? will i love the guy who pulls out in front of me at the gas station or even act like he's more important than me? I hope that i dont use africa as an excuse to love, but that i can love where i'm at right now. God did.
p.s. i still love cheeseburgers


Graham Burcham said...

Kyle, enjoyed the short work you did on the subject of 'love'. Glad to see your mind at work and your ability to put things down on paper... please continue to develop this as we need leadership in the Kingdom that can and will freely express thoughts clearly in the written word.. It is interesting here to note that we depend much on the written word in our Biblical study and our actual Christian walk.

Will be talkin to you your Dad very soon... I will write him soon as I sit here on this cold, 29 degree windy Tennessee night.

May God bless you in your effectiveness... be Steadfast,unmovable, Always abounding, and the E-word. Graham Burcham

Anonymous said...

I love how you ended that...P.S. I still love cheeseburgers! I will def. be praying for you and all that you will do for God in Africa!!! Will you get to see Julie at all?