Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Oh is the first entry

My very first blog entry. Where do I begin? I will begin by saying that I have graduated from college, written my final college paper, and now will no longer use grammatically correct statements or maybe even write in complete sentences (you might have noticed that the very first sentence has no verb). It feels pretty good to write without having to worry about it being graded.
So I have 20 more days till I head down to Ft. Lauderdale. I’ll go through a few days of training with the team I’m going with and then fly (by airplane of course) to Johannesburg, South Africa around the 26th of January. I’m becoming more and more excited as each day passes. I still have some things to do, but God is helping me out so much. I also want to thank everyone who is supporting me financially and prayerfully. I couldn’t do this without you! I’m over 2/3’s of the way to my goal in raising money, so I still have a little ways to go. But I know that it will come in as God puts it on people’s hearts to give.
So, I think that should do it for my first entry. Check back for more information on what I’ll be doing and who I’ll be going with. Peace.

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