Wednesday, January 31, 2007


We watched a video about the AIDS pandemic in Swaziland today as a part of our AIDS awareness training. This training is important for us so that we are prepared to give answers to the multitude of questions that we will undoubtedly face in the next few months. So anyways, I watched the video. I cried. (silence)....(deep breath)....I just don't understand, and I know that it's not for me to understand. Weird thing about the crying is that it was the third time I'd seen the video. But I can tell you know that if I watched it ten more times in a row I would lose it every time. It's stuff that I can't explain in a blog, especially since I only have 4 more minutes to type this. I guess all I can ask for is prayers...that we will be able to shine some light into this very dark region of the world. There is a lot of confusion going on in Africa, and this pandemic is growing everyday....So, if your reading this, just think about this: life is sacred. There's something about a soul and a body colliding through God's grace that makes life and breath a divine thing. What makes my life more important that another's life, let's say a 13 year old girl that was raped by her uncle who has AIDS and thought he might be cured by sleeping with a virgin? Now this little girl is pregnant with a child who will undoubtedly contract the disease as well. And the cycle just keeps going and going. The only thing I know to do is to offer these children hope, through a Father in heaven who will never let them down, unlike most of their earthly fathers who chose to orphan them.
1 in 7 people in South Africa have AIDS. I know statistics are hard to grasp without a face, but i get to see the faces and hold the little fingers, see Jesus in the most distressing disguises (as mother teresa used to say).
thanks to all who have been praying for me.
in love and tears,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kyle, you are the man. Even Warrior Spirit cries. Rock on with your bad self.